Easy Way To Whiten Teeth At Home And Get a Hollywood Smile

How to Whiten Teeth at Home

If you consistently drink coffee, tea, or soda, chances are you look in the mirror and wonder if your teeth are white enough. This easy way to whiten teeth at home will save you a lot of money and keep those Hollywood chicklets sparkling.

Teeth whitening is a billion-dollar industry throughout the world. In the US alone, the white strips division was valued at $900 million in 2016. But, there’s an easy way to whiten teeth at home that doesn’t require the same dent to your wallet that consumer strips do.

It’s not uncommon to want whiter teeth in general. In fact, a survey done by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry indicated that the most common thing people wanted to change about their smile was their teeth whiteness. Additionally, nearly 100% of respondents reported that a great smile was a highly important “social asset”.

So, whether it’s for an important event like a wedding, to give off a positive impression, or to enhance confidence, whiter teeth can be one more tool in your arsenal.

Before we jump in, let’s first understand why teeth lose their whiteness.

Found in organic substances like grapes, leaves, and fruits, tannins are bitter molecules that are meant to deter animals from eating a plant’s seed or fruit before it’s ripe. When you bite into an unripe pear, it’s the tannins that create the mouth-coating feel. These tannins also contribute to staining your teeth. One of the biggest tannin culprits is red wine and tea.

Acidic beverages and foods like soda, coffee, and citrus fruits break down the enamel on teeth, which can cause yellowing.

Additionally, tobacco products like cigarettes and “chew” can cause nicotine stains on teeth.

Luckily, there is an easy way to whiten teeth at home if you partake in some of the above activities!

Supplies Needed to Whiten Teeth at Home

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is effective in its ability to scrub away teeth stains due to its mild abrasiveness.

One clinical study showed that brushing with toothpaste that contained baking soda showed a “significant reduction” in plaque versus non baking soda toothpastes.

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural antiseptic, oxidizer and bleaching agent made up of 2 hydrogen molecules and 2 oxygen molecules.

If you were to get your teeth whitened at the dentist, you’d find that they use 25-35% hydrogen peroxide. Retail white strips contain 6% hydrogen peroxide.

Luckily, this study showed that whether you use a dentist, strips, or 3% hydrogen peroxide, the end result is ultimately the same.  It will just take a little longer for the 3% at home remedy to match the 25% results from a dentist.

How To Whiten Teeth At Home

Tips to Keep Teeth White

1. Mix two teaspoons of baking soda with one teaspoon of peroxide, making it into a paste.
2. Brush with the paste and let stand for one minute
3. Rinse thoroughly to ensure the paste is gone

It’s important to only do this a couple times a day for 3-5 days, then wait three to six months before giving it a shot again. (Source)

Due to its mild abrasiveness, baking soda can wear down the enamel on teeth, causing sensitivity. (Source)

Luckily, by the end of day 3 you’ll start to see significant results!

Tips to Keep Teeth White and Healthy

-Use a straw as much as possible when drinking coffee, soda, or any other beverages that can stain or break down tooth enamel
-Brush teeth every morning and night to reduce bacteria that can lead to plaque buildup. Also try to floss a few times a week as well.
-Regular teeth cleanings at the dentist will help reduce plaque and keep teeth white.
-Use fluoride toothpaste, which has been shown to fight and reverse tooth decay.

That’s it! Thanks for reading Easy Way to Whiten Teeth at Home and Get a Hollywood Smile.

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