5 Surprising Benefits of Cold Showers

The further you dive into the realm of self-improvement, you might run across some evidence for the positive effects of cold showers.  These 5 benefits of cold showers can help you decide if adding frigid water to your personal development arsenal is worth it.

At some point in your Youtube video exploring, you might have come across an individual by the name of Wim Hof.  Wim Hof, known as “The Iceman”, has climbed Mount Everest in shorts and has proven that he can stay submerged in ice for one hour and 53 minutes without his core body temperature rising. He not only believes in the benefits of cold showers, but believes in the benefits of arcticly cold water on the body.


But, are there really any benefits of cold showers?

In an effort to psych myself up to the thought of taking cold showers, I thought it would be best to research the benefits and decide if it was actually worth my time, pain, and anguish.

Here’s what I found out about the benefits of cold showers:

1. Increased Alertness & Circulation

This may be a given, but hot water is relaxing, and cold water is not.  But, what exactly does taking a cold shower do to us physiologically? According to one study, ice-cold water ran over the chest will cause high increases in pulse rates and blood pressure, which raises heart output by at least 59%.

This increased output delivers more oxygenated blood and nutrients to every corner of our bodies, increasing our alertness and circulation.

2. Enhanced Weight Loss

There are different kinds of fat on the body, but one fat, “brown fat”, helps keep us warm in winter.

Cold helps to stimulate brown fat, which actually burns white fat.  “White fat” is what accumulates on our belly’s and back when we’ve had one too many beers over a span of several months.

So, brown fat is good, and a lot of excess white fat is bad.  Since brown fat is stimulated by cold and it burns white fat, cold showers can help with weight loss.

To be fair, cold water should not be a substitute for exercise and a healthy diet. It’s just one more weapon in your arsenal to become your best self.


3. Stress Reduction & Increased Willpower

Taking a cold shower puts a mild amount of stress onto the body. This leads to a process known as “hardening”, which causes the nervous system to become acclimated to minor stress levels.

Like muscle getting stronger with a workout, hardening helps increase your capacity to take on stressful challenges with more efficiency and fewer negative results.

It’s not easy taking a cold shower, and by practicing, it will increase your willpower, which can have benefits in every facet of your life.


4. Depression Relief

One study found that taking cold showers at 68 degrees increased endorphins and “norepinephrine”, which is responsible for increasing alertness, vigilance, attention and memory retrieval in the brain, through enhanced brain synapses.

Since cold water activates the receptors at nerve endings in the skin, this causes an abundance of electrical impulses to flood the brain, which produces an anti-depressive effect.

5. Pain and Swelling Reduction

Cold constricts blood vessels, which reduces swelling.  Swelling is what causes pain when we are injured.  That’s why we are always told to “ice it” after a sprain or injury by doctors and moms.

Anything cold will do: refrigerated steak (if you’re in the 60’s), frozen peas, ice.

Taking a cold shower provides the same effects!  So if you’re sore after a workout, give it a shot.

5 Benefits of Cold Showers

Here’s how to start and get the benefits of cold showers

But, before we begin, I need to get this disclaimer out there:

Cold showers are not a replacement for medicine or therapy. They should not be used for those with weaker immune systems and those with underlying conditions, as sudden changes in heart rate and body temperature can be overwhelming. If unsure, remember to consult a doctor.

Step 1: Make a playlist

I like to get my shower done in two songs.  The average new song lasts an average of 3 minute and 30 seconds.  You can definitely get everything you need to get done within 7 minutes, plus it’s nice knowing you’re not wasting a bunch of water.

Pick a couple songs that get you excited, motivate you and make you happy.  For my wife, that would be something from Taylor Swift. For me, something from Post Malone.

Step 2: Mindset

Cold water isn’t that bad after the first 10 seconds.  It’s actually quite refreshing, and you get used to it pretty quickly.

The best thing to do before hopping in is to get your mind right. Run through all the benefits of cold showers and how it can help you physically and emotionally. Get excited that you’re doing one more thing during the day that’s good for you.

This will make the first 10 seconds go by a little easier.

Step 3: Temperature

I like to start off my cold showers with the slightest amount of warm water in the mixture.  This makes it a little less shocking when you first hop in.

Don’t “test” the water with your hand before you get in.  You know it’s going to be cold. Touching it before you get in may make you change your mind about it.

Step 4: The Act

With the water ready, begin your chosen song.  Hop in! The cold will likely cause your chest to expand, filling your lungs with air in an involuntary gasp, but you can get through it!

Start moving your body and getting to work with your cleansing routine. Tell yourself your goals for the day, life, whatever you want.

Pretty soon you’ll get used to the cold and think it’s not that bad. When you get to that point, it’s time to bring on a little more cold. For me, by the time the second song comes on, I want 100% cold.

Step 5: Finale

After your second song is finished, you’re done! Give yourself a pat on the back. You can add one more coin to your grit and resilience piggybank.

You’ll feel good at this point. Refreshed, amped, ready to take on any challenges that the day presents.

Good luck! You can accomplish anything.

Thanks for reading 5 Surprising Benefits of Cold Showers!

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  1. […] Learn about the extraordinary benefits of taking cold showers at: 5 Surprising Benefits of Cold Showers […]

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