5 Ways to Get Rid of Razor Burn

Sometimes, we have to shave in less than ideal situations or with minimal supplies, like when you’re forced to dry shave, hack down long hair with just a razor, or use an old, dull razor blade that’s been in the medicine cabinet for months.  Sometimes, we even forget and shave in the wrong direction.  These 5 ways to get rid of razor burn will help you the next time you’re forced to shave in a less than ideal situation where razor burn and irritation result. How to get rid of razor burn can be especially important if you have...

14 Essential Items to Keep in Your Car this Winter

With what seems to be a very snowy season this year, I thought it was important to share the 14 essential items to keep in your car this winter. These items are meant to help you in case you get stuck in the snow, are involved in some type of collision, or if there is some issue with your vehicle. A couple posts ago, I informed everyone that I’ve been a cop for a few years now. I’m retiring as a Police Officer this Thursday and moving to my wife’s home state in May or June of this year....

5 Fast Smoothie Recipes for a Healthy Body & Mind

On February 1st, I decided enough was enough, and that I was going to start waking up earlier with a rock-solid morning routine. Initially, I started waking up at 5am. Then, I decided that if I could do 5am, I could do 4:30am. I’ll be honest…I feel great! I’ve been following the “S.A.V.E.R.S.” method outlined in my previous article, The Miracle Morning: A Sample Morning Routine to Supercharge Your Day (based on The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod), where I spend time meditating, writing down my goals/affirmations, visualizing the positive things I want to bring into my life, doing beginner...

The Miracle Morning: A Sample Morning Routine to Supercharge Your Day

I’ve been desperately craving a morning routine for a couple years now.  Becoming the best possible version of myself has developed into somewhat of an obsession.  I’ve known that a good morning routine is crucial to that developmental process, but I haven’t been able to do it. My journey of seeking happiness, feeling fulfilled and being successful started in 2013. For a year, I taught English with my wife on the world’s smallest atoll in the Pacific: Namdrik, Marshall Islands.  Although I didn’t have a passion for teaching, I had an abundance of free time to read a lot...

6 Ways to Prevent Dry Skin in the Winter

6 Was to Treat and Prevent Dry Winter Skin

It’s winter.  It’s cold, and skin seems to be one of the first casualties when the temperature drops.  From dry, cracked hands to an itchy back, these 6 ways to prevent dry skin in the winter will help you combat old man winter, leaving you comfortable, hydrated, and moisturized. A decrease in temperature generally means a decrease in humidity levels.  This dry, cold air strips skin of its moisture, leading to flakiness, itchiness, noticeable wrinkles, and in extreme cases, bleeding cracks. Fortunately, there are ways to treat and prevent dry skin in the winter, keeping you comfortable and flake...

7 Tips on How Men Should Dress for the Gym

It’s a brand-new year, which means a lot of people are making New Year’s Resolutions to become healthier and more active.  But, it’s 2019, and how men should dress for the gym might be different since the last time you’ve gone. These 7 tips on how men should dress for the gym will get you in tip top gym-wear shape, so you don’t have to worry about your clothes while simultaneously worrying about getting a chiseled core. I like to put a few paragraphs about myself at the start of each article.  I feel it sets the scene and...

5 Quick Tips on How to Dress for Winter

It’s winter. It’s cold, and for those living or traveling in the northern part of the country, knowing how to dress for winter is crucial to staying comfortable. I’ll be honest, until doing research for this article, I was committing some major winter clothing faux pas.  I would pair cotton t-shirts under puffy jackets and wonder why I was still cold.  I thought I had everything covered with the jacket, but I was deeply mistaken. These 5 quick tips on how to dress for winter will help shed light on the best practices to stay warm.  So, whether you...

What Are the Different Types of Watch Movements?

Automatic vs. Manual vs. Quartz.  What are the different types of watch movements? There is a sense of sophistication that comes with wearing a watch.  Although technically small, a watch can add a level of refinement to an outfit with relative ease.  Like a cherry on top of a sundae, a watch is a final touch on an outfit that can help pull everything together.  But, what are the different types of watch movements? Watches seem to be one of the few things guys notice about other guys.  Aside from “that dude is jacked”, guys don’t seem to pay...

Easy, Natural DIY Face Moisturizer Recipe for Dry Skin: A Men’s Guide

Sometimes, a store-bought moisturizer just doesn’t cut it in the driest winter months.  Sometimes, like brewing your own beer, you just want to make your own stuff.  This men’s guide on an Easy, Natural DIY face moisturizer recipe for dry skin will combat Old Man Winter and give you the satisfaction of making something with your hands. A couple of years ago while getting my furnace’s yearly check-up, the HVAC guy talked about the necessity of a furnace humidifier.  At the time, I told him that I wasn’t worried about the humidity conditions in our house.  He said, “just...

Dude Wipes: Are Flushable Wipes Really Flushable?

The flushability of flushable wipes has come under strong scrutiny over the last few weeks.  This home experiment on Dude Wipes is meant to answer the question, are flushable wipes really flushable? A lot of negative news articles have surrounded the flushable wipes industry recently.  I thought it was a relatively new phenomenon, that municipalities were just now seeing the effects of flushable wipes on their water treatment plants and sewage systems.  But in doing research, I found articles dating back to 2013, claiming that flushable wipes should NOT be flushed. I hadn’t put much thought into the flushability...

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