7 Tips on How Men Should Dress for the Gym

It’s a brand-new year, which means a lot of people are making New Year’s Resolutions to become healthier and more active.  But, it’s 2019, and how men should dress for the gym might be different since the last time you’ve gone.

These 7 tips on how men should dress for the gym will get you in tip top gym-wear shape, so you don’t have to worry about your clothes while simultaneously worrying about getting a chiseled core.

I like to put a few paragraphs about myself at the start of each article.  I feel it sets the scene and personalizes the post.  Plus, I think it helps to show that I’ve got an emotional tie to each article in some capacity.

So here goes.

I haven’t gone to the gym in years.

I can honestly say that I’ve worked out three times in the last three years.  Each time tends to fall in April, when I’m forced to complete the “Cooper Test”, which consists of push-ups, sit ups, 1.5-mile run, 300-meter sprint, sit and reach, and a vertical jump.  It’s a requirement of my job, and I do it every year with complete disdain.

Although I feel great after completing the test, I still find it difficult to get the motivation to work out in the 12 months between each Cooper session.  Either I’m “too busy”, “too tired”, or a lack of a regimented schedule keeps me from doing it.  As a result, I’ve found that my waist line has increased, my body is unhealthily sore, and I don’t feel strong.  Although I tend to beat my colleagues in the Cooper test, it’s not saying much.  We are all unfit.

Next month (February 2019), I’m leaving my job.  My wife and I are moving to her home state of Wisconsin in June.  I’ll have roughly 12-15 weeks off, where I will get our duplex ready to sell, I’ll double down on Strictly Manology and Strictly Man Supply Co., and I’ll work out.

I’ve committed myself to working out in the mornings at least three times a week.  I’ll get up with my wife at 5:45. I’ll leave my gym shoes next to the bed, and I’ll sleep in what I plan on wearing to the gym.  Working out is a habit I want to get into, and I’d like to do everything I can to make the habit easier.  By sleeping in my gym clothes and putting my gym shoes next to the bed, I’m overcoming small barriers that can erode my overall willingness to go.

I hope it works.

Regardless, it’s been a little while since I’ve gone to the gym, and honestly, I’m not sure what people wear to the gym anymore.  I’ve got some mesh shorts from 2007, but I don’t see guys wearing those as often as they used to.  I’ve also got the same wrestling sweats I’ve had since high school, but they are so stretched out that they are basically MC Hammer pants at this point.

So, like all of my articles, I decided to research the topic of how men should dress for the gym like a college paper.  I’ve gathered sources, distilled information, and have made some conclusions.

The following 7 tips on how men should dress for the gym can help you decide your attire, so you can focus on what’s truly important, getting healthy, as opposed to a gym-wear faux pas.

Tips on How Men Should Dress for the Gym

1. Wear Moisture Wicking Fabric

Moisture wicking fabric, typically made from polyester or lycra, helps to pull sweat off the skin and onto the fabric itself.  As a result, this helps to keep the body dry and cool. (Source)

Cotton, on the other hand, saturates, which puts your body in constant contact with the sweat it produces, making you uncomfortable.

Moisture wicking fabric lasts longer and is lighter than cotton, which makes it the perfect material for gym clothes.

2. Avoid Denim and Other Stiff Clothing

This is in line with number 1, but denim should be avoided at all costs when going to the gym.  It’s bulky, rigid, non-stretchy, and it gets sweaty/sticky when saturated with sweat.  This leads to chaffing and an overall sense of major un-comfortability.

When was the last time you thought to yourself, “oh wow, I really love the feeling of wet jeans!”

Second cargo shorts.  Cargo shorts are really only appropriate for outdoor activities, such as fishing or hunting, these days.  They should be avoided when going to the gym.

3. Keep colors very neutral

Blacks and grays here.

By sticking to blacks and grays, you know that everything will match, which is one less barrier to worry about when summoning the willpower to go to the gym.  Check out Minimalist Wardrobe for Men, A Casual Guide for more on “decision fatigue”.

Wearing black serves two purposes at the gym.  It helps to hide sweat, and most importantly, it has slimming effects. So, if you haven’t been to the gym in a while, and a dad bod is on the horizon, black is your best friend.

4. Avoid Running Shoes for Weight Lifting

Running shoes are made to be springy and are generally built with cushioning soles to soften the impact between the ground and the foot.

If you wear running shoes while working out, you might find that your ankle or foot roles slightly from compressing the cushioned sole with extra weight.   This springiness puts you off balance when you pick up a heavy barbell or dumbbells, making for a possibly dangerous set.

If your main focus is purely weights and strength training, you’ll want shoes with a stable, flat base and firm soles.  Think Converse.

However, since people tend to mix cardio with their weight lifting session, a good hybrid shoe, made with flat soles that also provide support when running, are a good option.  These hybrids are often marketed as “weight lifting shoes”, “gym shoes”, “CrossFit Shoes”, or “cross training shoes“.

Reebok Men’s CrossFit Nano Cross Trainer

5. Keep Fits Tapered

We are out of the 90’s, so baggy, puffy cotton sweatpants are out.  We are in the era of joggers, which are not skinny, not straight legged, just tapered or fitted.

Adidas Men’s Training Pants

While we are on the topic of bottoms, it is okay to wear compression, moisture wicking pants…as long as you wear shorts over them…and as long as you don’t call them spandex or yoga pants.  In fact, if you’ve got legs that you are less than proud of (skinny, knobby, or bruised), it may make you feel better to wear compression pants with shorts over them.

As far as tops go, shoot for a nicely fitted t-shirt, not too tight, not too baggy.  Baggy tops don’t hide a baggy body, it just adds extra fabric that gets in the way while doing what’s really important-working out, feeling healthier, and getting stronger.

Adidas Men’s Training Tee

Remember colors, black or gray.

6. Cover Up!

No one wants to see nipples, and no one wants to see anyone’s junk fall out of 1970’s short basketball shorts.

If you decide to wear shorts, with or without the compression pants, they should hit right above the knee.

Covering up also has the added benefit of keeping your muscles, joints, and ligaments warm.  This can help prevent injuries and improve circulation.  If you insist on wearing a tight compression shirt, consider pairing it with a light, synthetic hoodie or pullover.

Under Armour Men’s Tech Popover Hoodie

7. The Outfits

How Men Should Dress for the Gym

At the end of the day, there are no hard and fast rules on how men should dress for the gym.  This guide is meant to shed light on current trends on men’s gym attire, not force you to wear things you don’t want to wear.  If you feel great wearing yoga pants with a compression shirt and nothing else, more power to you!  You do what makes you happy. That’s what ultimately matters.

Good luck, and I hope these 7 Tips on How Men Should Dress for the Gym helps!

For more reading and my sources:

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  1. […] clothes and shoes right by your bed, thereby making this process that much easier.  Check out 7 Tips on How Men Should Dress for the Gym if it’s been a little while since you’ve worked out at the gym and are not sure what […]

  2. Bob
    July 25, 2019

    I love your tip about avoiding denim at all costs. That makes sense considering the fabric will be heavy and scratchy. I’ll have to consider wearing lighter clothing to the gym.

  3. […] This article will focus solely on your gym bag, for what to wear to the gym, Check out 7 Tips on How Men Should Dress for the Gym. […]

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