Grind, Grit and The Pursuit of Entrepreneurism

I originally posted this on Reddit, and it got a lot of positive feedback.  I had a lot of people message me separately saying how much this post helped them take the next step in fulfilling their dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. Although it doesn’t necessary deal with men’s grooming, the deeper message is of grit, inspiration, and reaching goals.  So, I thought I’d share it.  Who knows, maybe it will help you too. This is a long one, sorry: I have been a longtime “lurker” on this sub. And although I haven’t commented…ever, I know I can equate...

Strictly Man Supply Co: Our Story

CC Cream Tinted Face Moisturizer for Men Before and After

Strictly Man Supply Co. started out as an idea in 2016, but it’s roots can be traced back to 2003, around my 13th birthday. I struggled with pretty moderate to severe acne throughout my teen years, up through college and into early adulthood.  I tried every product, read several blogs, created at-home remedies, and spent hundreds of dollars trying to combat pimples.  I went to dermatologists and tried topical prescription medication with little success. I grew increasingly embarrassed and self-conscious about my acne.  My mom must have noticed, as she bought me a concealer stick to help hide the pimples...

My First Float Therapy Experience

My First Float Therapy Experience

Sometimes, I think it’s important to write an article occasionally that differs from the normal “20 Best…” and share a little about myself.  So, I wanted to share my first float therapy experience. Float therapy, for those that don’t know, is a form of sensory deprivation.  Basically, you get into a dark, coffin like tank filled with several inches of water.  The water has a tremendous amount of Epsom salt dissolved into it.  Like the Dead Sea, the salt water is so dense that your body naturally floats without aid. Over the last couple of years, I have made...

8 Fantastic Benefits of Drinking Water After Waking Up

benefits of drinking water after waking up

Everyone has heard the benefits of drinking water, especially when it comes to the positive effects it has on skin and complexion.  I have personally written about the benefits, regurgitating what I’ve heard without knowing more details.  So, I decided to actually research the benefits of drinking water and came across the more specific benefits of drinking water after waking up. I wanted to share what I learned about the benefits of drinking water after waking up.  I have recently started trying it, and I have noticed a major difference in a few things. First, my skin looks noticeably...

3 Top Pages From 19 Men’s Blogs You Should be Reading


There are a lot of great men’s blogs out there, ranging from lifestyle, fashion, grooming, and self-improvement. But, it can be hard to keep tabs on all of them. Each men’s blog is unique, with a different tone and focus that can help you become a well rounded individual-a better dad, spouse, brother, son, employee, entrepreneur, or person. I made this list awhile back for myself and have refined it for you in this post.  In addition, I decided to provide the top three posts from each men’s blog, according to a variety of factors (domain authority, page authority,...

20 Manliest Uses for a Pocket Knife

uses for a pocket knife, pocket knife uses

I recently wrote an article about the 5 best pocket knives under $50 in 2018. The article got a lot of attention, so in addition to that post, I thought it necessary to provide the 20 manliest uses for a pocket knife. Enjoy! 1. Opening boxes This is perhaps when a knife is most needed and used. With the influx of Amazon Prime packages going to 64% of the households in America, a knife to quickly open your next bluetooth headphones or speaker is crucial and perhaps one of the best uses for a pocket knife. 2. Opening plastic “clamshell”...

5 Best Pocket Knives Under 50 Dollars in 2018

Best Pocket Knives Under 50 Dollars

Every man needs a good pocket knife. More importantly, a man needs a knife that they are going to use, not just look at. Pocket knives can cost upwards of $300 and more, but I promise those owners fear using, dropping, or scraping those knives, let alone using them to pry open a beer bottle. Those kinds of knives are known as “safe queens”-knives that are nice to look at, but aren’t really used for anything. Then there are knives that you keep in your pocket, use to break down your Amazon Prime boxes, cut weed eater string, open...

5 Best Books to Read in 2018 for Building an Awesome Life

In my previous posts, I spoke about reading books and how they helped to get me off the couch and increase my productivity, building a foundation for an awesome life. So, I wanted to provide the 5 best books to read in 2018, the books that made a profound impact on my life and can do the same for you as well. Some on the list have been around for quite awhile, and they are on numerous other “bests” lists.  In fact, my mother read number one in the 90’s and later gave it to me.  I was a...

Wireless Headphones, A Great Present And How They Can Change Your Life

I am no stranger to the couch. I’ve had the habit since I was a kid. I would wake up hours before my Mom on weekends, put a Disney tape into the VHS player, grab a Rubbermaid container full of pretzels, sit on the couch, and watch a whole lot of Lion King, Rescuers Down Under, Robin Hood or whatever singing Disney movie was popular at the time until she woke up. As an only child, TV was my main form of entertainment. Dexter’s Lab, Hey Arnold!, and especially Dragon Ball Z were as much a part of my...

Five Quotes to Consistently Motivate You Each Day

I recently started bullet journaling and have been writing down quotes since I began. I wish I had done it sooner, as I have scraped through enough business, investing, and psychology books to obliterate an entire forest. Without a doubt, I have missed some damn good quotes. Regardless, here are the five that I refer to at least on a weekly basis. On the surface, one pertains just to business, but digging deep enough, it can be related to pretty much everything in life (work, family, friends). Take them, write them down, and use them for yourself. “Instead of...

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