Wireless Headphones, A Great Present And How They Can Change Your Life

I am no stranger to the couch.

I’ve had the habit since I was a kid. I would wake up hours before my Mom on weekends, put a Disney tape into the VHS player, grab a Rubbermaid container full of pretzels, sit on the couch, and watch a whole lot of Lion King, Rescuers Down Under, Robin Hood or whatever singing Disney movie was popular at the time until she woke up.

As an only child, TV was my main form of entertainment. Dexter’s Lab, Hey Arnold!, and especially Dragon Ball Z were as much a part of my life as school and whatever babysitter I was tormenting at the time. Almost every day, I would do my best Goku impression in the shower and “power up”.

I still watch Dragon Ball Z on Youtube sometimes, but I don’t “power up” anymore.  (Watch Goku turn Super Saiyan for the first time here)

Anyway, the habit of watching a lot of TV followed me up through childhood and into high school. After wrestling practice, I’d turn on the TV. After hanging out with friends, I’d turn on the TV. After work at Sears on the weekends, I’d turn on the TV.

In college, Netflix streaming became popular. If I wasn’t hanging out with friends, eating, or in class, I was watching Netflix on my Xbox. Schoolwork, essay writing, and studying for tests were often left to the last minute. The night before a big assignment was due, I would settle in for a grueling sleepless night fueled by 5 Hour Energy Shots and sheer determination. Often times, it felt like I finished “just in time” with seconds to spare before it had to be turned in.

I was the sultan of procrastination, and getting decent grades on assignments and tests only reinforced the procrastination further, which led to more time for lying around and watching TV.

After college, I volunteered for two years, one year within the US and one year outside the US.

My access to TV was limited the first year and completely non-existent the second year, more on that in a future blog post.

I became unaccustomed to watching TV all the time, and as a result, I began to read for pleasure. Reading for pleasure was something I had never done before, so it was definitely a new experience. But with nothing else to do, no Wi-Fi, and a very small amount of landmass to explore, I read A LOT of books.

Unfortunately, once my wife and I got back from our second year of volunteering outside the country, it was time to get a real job and begin paying off student loans.

I got a 9-5 job and immediately fell back into my old ways. I’d get home after a 45-minute commute, turn on the TV, and veg out until it was time to go to bed around 10:00pm. The amount of time I was wasting was astounding, and deep down, it really bothered me, but the habit of watching TV was hard to break.

Things did not get better when I got a new job where I worked 12-hour shifts and switched back and forth from nights to days every month.

Nights were the worst, and I would spend the entire first two days of my “days off” either sleeping all-day or thinking about sleeping all-day.

I found myself spending more time on the couch than I ever had before, watching TV.

Things started to turn around a year or so into my new job. I began getting sick to my stomach with the amount of time I was donating to Netflix. I came across a quote from physicist Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, “Time is our most valuable nonrenewable resource, and if we want to treat it with respect, we need to set priorities”.

The quote resonated hard with me. I was wasting so much time on the couch, literally wasting my life and potential; I was not treating time with any respect.

So, I pulled out my library card, dusted it off, and I began reading books again. Books about starting a business, books about investing, books about habits, books about productivity.

One of my favorite books, “The Millionaire Fastlane” by MJ DeMarco, outlined how much time we have when we do menial tasks (which is a lot), and how we can use that time most effectively.

The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime.

When we commute, take a shower, walk the dog, grill, paint the shutters, or vacuum, we can be listening to some form of educational content and squeezing more out of our time.

I began researching podcasts and downloading audio books to my phone. I picked up audio book CDs from the library to listen to during my 18-minute commute to work each way.

I was injecting my brain with new, valuable, educational content at an alarming pace, like a hit of scholastic crack, and it felt good. Instead of wasting my time with boring menial tasks by thinking about what Packers jersey I should get for my birthday or listening to music, I was learning about how to make a better life for myself and family.

This brings me to my Christmas present(s).

My father-in-law asked me to research wireless, noise-cancelling headphones for my mother-in-law and to find the “best value”. He wasn’t looking to spend $400 on a pair of headphones, but still wanted decent quality.

My father-in-law knew that I LOVE researching “best value” products, as I am both terribly frugal and also want the absolute best for my money. I will ruthlessly spend hours researching and scouring the Internet for the best products at the best prices, and the headphones were no exception.

After putting in a solid three to four hours of research on the best headphones for the money, I settled on the Bohm B-76, wireless, noise cancelling headphones. I told my father-in-law of my findings, and he promptly purchased them.

BÖHM Wireless Bluetooth Over Ear Cushioned Headphones with Active Noise Cancelling – B76

Then I thought about it.

There are a lot of times when 1. My wife doesn’t feel like listening to Tony Robbins, or Timothy Ferriss and 2. I don’t particularly feel like listening to her Taylor Swift “Look What You Made Me Do” type songs.

So, the headphones for me were a no-brainer.  Not only could I listen to audio books and podcasts whenever I wanted without bothering my wife, but I also didn’t have to listen to her music.

I had used wired headphones before, but lugging around the laptop, tablet, or even phone can be kind of a pain. I purchased the headphones, and two days later (thanks Prime), I had them.

I hadn’t ever used wireless headphones before, and the freedom they give is astounding. I can leave whatever device they are connected to and freely walk to all areas of the house. Get up to go pee? Go to the fridge to get a beer? Pour a glass of whiskey/whisky? Play outside with the dog? No problem, I just walk away from the phone or tablet and the headphones stay connected.

With the wireless headphones, I have felt my productivity inching up more each day. Instead of turning the TV “on” and sitting on the couch, I can turn a book or podcast on and use the headphones.

But, it is boring to sit on the couch just listening, so as a result, I get a lot more done around the house. Dishes? Demolished. Laundry? Washed, folded, stowed. Cooking? I’ll make a spread that will make Bobby Flay blush.

The ease of connecting and putting the wireless headphones on has enabled me to use my time more effectively and has made me more productive overall. Plus, my wife is happier now that the house is cleaner.

Whenever I feel the inclination to watch TV and sit on my couch, I put on the headphones, sync them to my tablet, and I automatically start doing other chores that need to be done instead.  Now, I look forward to chores, since I will be getting something further out of it and optimizing my time.

There are times when bulky headphones aren’t conducive to completing certain tasks, which is why I also purchased a small wireless Bluetooth speaker, an “Oontz Angle 3”, which serves the same purpose as the headphones.

OontZ Angle 3 Portable Bluetooth Speaker

I use the speaker when I am in the shower, changing the oil on my car, or working outside.

Wireless speakers and wireless headphones might seem trivial at first thought, but they truly have changed my life for the better by enabling me to listen to so many more books and podcasts, which is why they are without a doubt my best Christmas presents.

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