5 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs are annoying.  Despite a flawless skincare routine, they can sometimes pop-up, especially if you have to shave.  This quick guide to get rid of ingrown hairs will help you the next time one comes knocking on your door.

How to get rid of ingrown hairs is important knowledge for almost every man, as it is bound to happen to you at one time or another.  This is especially true if you have to shave on a regular basis, as shaving can be a direct contributor to ingrown hairs.

Of course, the best way to prevent ingrown hairs, particularly when shaving, is to have a solid routine.

This includes:

  • Taking a warm shower and cleansing away dirt, oil, and dead skin cells.
  • Gently exfoliating for no more than 30 seconds with a wash cloth, tool, or proper scrub.
  • Applying a pre-shave oil to fill in voids and provide a slick barrier, so the razor can glide
  • Using a quality shave cream (not ones found in cans)
  • Shaving using short strokes with the grain
  • Rinsing with cool water to constrict pores, get rid of hair, and eliminate leftover shaving cream
  • Applying an aftershave to lock in moisture and soothe the skin

But, even with a flawless routine, ingrown hairs can still happen (I personally just got over having one).  This gave me the inspiration for writing an article on this topic.

First, what exactly is an ingrown hair, and why do they happen?

An ingrown hair can occur when it curls around and re-enters the skin.

Or, it can occur when a hair follicle gets clogged with dead skin cells, which causes hair to grow sideways.

Both can lead to red spots, whiteheads, or painful, hard, itchy bumps.

Those with very curly or coarse hair are especially prone to experiencing ingrown hairs.

Moreover, shaving cuts the hair, leaving it with a sharp edge.  This makes piercing the skin even easier when it doubles back around.  An alternative is to grow a beard, but not all of us have that luxury when it comes to our professions.

Ingrown hairs will generally take care of themselves in about a month.  However, this time can extend up to 6 months, which is a really long time to deal with a large red bump! (Source)

According to the NHS, it’s recommended that you avoid scratching or picking at the area, as bacteria can enter the void.  This can lead to infections and scarring.

However, if you are like me and don’t possess the self-control to leave something like this alone, there are a few options to help get rid of ingrown hairs.

1. Warm Towel Compress

The goal is to bring the hair and puss to the surface.  Using a towel saturated in warm water, compress it onto the affected area for 15 minutes.

It’s best to do this after a warm shower, when the skin is clean.

2. Physical Exfoliation

As stated earlier, the goal is to bring everything to the surface.  According to the Mayo Clinic, use a washcloth or soft bristled tooth brush in small circular motions to physically exfoliate the area.

This will help break down the thin skin barrier, so extraction can be easier later.

3. Salicylic Acid

There are two forms of exfoliation, physical and chemical.  Number 2 covers physical exfoliation, but salicylic acid helps to chemically dig deep into the pore, breaking up dead skin cells.

After a warm towel compress and physical exfoliation, place a drop of salicylic acid treatment onto the affected area to help dissolve the skin barrier.  For more on exfoliation in general, check out 10 Tips on How to Exfoliate for Men (and Women)

4. Cortisone Cream

Cortisone cream can help to decrease inflammation and shrink blood vessels.

After the salicylic acid dries, place a small amount of cortisone cream over the bump to soothe the area and get some relief. (Source)

5. Extraction

Steps 1-4 can be completed until the bump goes away.

However, extraction is an option only if the hair is close to the surface of the skin.

According to the NHS, use sterilized tweezers or a needle to gently “tease” the hair out.  Make sure not to dig, as this can lead to scarring.

That’s it!

By following these steps, you will be doing everything possible to get rid of ingrown hairs.

Good luck and thanks for reading!


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