10 Best White Sneakers for Men, a Minimalist Wardrobe Staple

Best White Sneakers for Men, a Minimalist Wardrobe Staple

I wrote an article a few months ago, Minimalist Wardrobe for Men, A Casual Guide, and people seem genuinely interested in having a simple, neutral wardrobe.  I decided to write this article, 10 Best White Sneakers for Men, a Minimalist Wardrobe Staple, as a follow-up to provide more sneaker options than just the one I initially suggested. A clean, simple, versatile white sneaker for men is fundamental in a minimalist wardrobe.  It can go with anything: shorts, jeans, chinos, and it go can with any color: khaki, navy, black, gray, or white. Aside from having a quality brown leather...

20 Best Watches Under 100 Dollars

A nice watch can pull a look together and add an immense level of refinement to an outfit.  This list of the 20 Best Watches Under 100 Dollars, although subjective, is meant to provide you with several excellent options in differing styles. These watches come from reputable companies and won’t break the bank. These best watches under 100 dollars are reliable, sharp, provide an excellent value, and at least one should suit your needs.  I have focused exclusively on classic analog timepieces, non-digital, non-smart, in order to maximize the level of refinement and style these watches can have.  Other...

How to Roll Up Sleeves, The Proper Way

How to Roll Up Sleeves

There is a proper way for how to roll up sleeves, which I personally did not know up until last year. Until I did the research on how to roll up sleeves, I was rolling them the way my mom used to roll my hand-me-down pants as a kid.  I would roll, roll, roll several times, until my sleeves were at the height I preferred.  I coined this the “sushi” sleeve, and they would end up looking like a round snake of Play-Doh wrapped around my arms.  This was not a good look. Sometimes, instead of the “sushi” sleeve,...

3 Top Pages From 19 Men’s Blogs You Should be Reading


There are a lot of great men’s blogs out there, ranging from lifestyle, fashion, grooming, and self-improvement. But, it can be hard to keep tabs on all of them. Each men’s blog is unique, with a different tone and focus that can help you become a well rounded individual-a better dad, spouse, brother, son, employee, entrepreneur, or person. I made this list awhile back for myself and have refined it for you in this post.  In addition, I decided to provide the top three posts from each men’s blog, according to a variety of factors (domain authority, page authority,...

Minimalist Wardrobe for Men, A Casual Guide


I hate spending money. As a result, I found myself frequenting Goodwill and the Salvation Army for a majority of my clothing throughout college and shortly after graduation. I once bought a pair of Wrangler jeans from WalMart for $12, but my wife later informed me that they made my “ass look like cardboard”. I was forced to get rid of the jeans. Since most of my clothing came second-hand, my shirts frayed faster than normal, and sometimes things didn’t fit quite right. But, I didn’t care, since spending money on clothes was literally the last thing I cared...

1 Easy Trick to Remove Salt Stains from Shoes and Boots

remove salt stains from shoes

A quick tip to remove salt stains from shoes or boots. Ever walk outside in the winter and notice that the sidewalks are caked in salt?  Although it keeps people from falling down (falling is bad and really embarrassing), the salt can do a number on shoes and boots.  But, what can be done to remove salt stains from shoes? If left untreated, the salt can permanently damage fabrics and leathers, which is also bad and somewhat embarrassing. BUT, it also looks weird when you are walking like a penguin on the sidewalk to keep your shoes clean, which...

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